Scientific Program
Day 1 :
- Complementary Medicine today | Integrative Medicine | Herbal Medicine
Location: Dubai, UAE
Session Introduction
Jouvenot Alice
Doctor of Chiropractic, France
Title: Knowledge Transmission: A potential in the healing process

In a world where eonventional medicine is often challenged and where the trend is towards strengthening co mplementary and al ternative medicine. 21st century patients arc facing more than ever options for care. However. Although health support is expanding. it remains diffic ult ior sign ificant n umber of patients to in rolved in their own care iourney_
According to logic for manual therapy su ch as Chiropractic a s I was taught to the physiological and bases. it would that the teehnical tool sufficient to However, significant a mount to studies have already the influence of the mind on the body in healing processes for neuro musuloskeletal and / or emotional disorder And hawe opned the fields ot expertise or manual therapists to more comprehensive approach of their patients to accompany patients in a more relevant waw
Starting from this principle. it would Also seern that the patient who understands his symptoms and the purpose of treatmcnt reinforces his reliefs about healing. which at the same time promotes faster recovery.
The objective of this intervention will be to highlight the following problem in patient / therapist duo: does the knowledge the therapists, with the" patients to better prornoting prevention in the broadest genge?
Ala’a Al-Bakheit
Assistant Professor, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
Title: Varthemia iphionoides: Medicinal plant with an anti-inflammatory property against prostate cancer in vitro

Ala’a Al-Bakheit is Assistant Professor in Nutrition at the Department of Nutrition and Food Processing at Al-Balqa Applied University in Jordan. She received her Bachelor's and Master degrees in Nutrition and Food Technology from University of Jordan in 2005 and 2007, respectively. She completed her PhD in Nutrition in 2014 from the University of East Anglia in UK. Her research interests focus on cancer and nutrients effects on human health. She is member of the Agricultural Engineers Association and hold a professional certificate in Nutrition from the Ministry of Health in Jordan.
Statement of the Problem: Varthemia iphionoides is a therapeutic plant from Jordan that has various health benefit activities including antibacterial, antioxidant and anticancer properties. However, its anti-inflammatory properties have not been widely investigated. Inflammation has key role for the development of many chronic diseases, notably cancer. In Jordan, prostate cancer cases are increasing. Therefore, finding a medicinal plant easily available in nature with an anti-inflammatory property considered important for the development of low-cost plant–based medicine that is beneficial for cancers including prostate cancer. The purpose of this study is to explore the anti-inflammatory property of V. iphionoides in in vitro cell models of human non-cancerous fibroblast MRC-5 and prostate cancerous PC3 cells. Methodology: the anti-inflammatory effect was measured by the levels of interleukin-6 in MRC-5 and PC3 cells challenged with a pro-inflammatory stimulus, bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Findings: there was a significant reduction in lipopolysaccharide-induced interleukin-6 secretion in response to V. iphionoides (125 μg/mL) in both MRC-5 and PC3 cells. However, the aqueous extract of the plant showed a stronger anti-inflammatory effect in MRC-5 cells, while the methanolic extract was more effective in PC3 cells. The reduction of interleukin-6 production in response to V. iphionoides was not due to its cytotoxicity, and further studies are required to clarify the mechanisms of the action by which this medicinal plant modifies inflammatory responses. Conclusion: aqueous and methanolic extracts of V. iphionoides showed a potential protective property against pro-inflammatory stimuli in human fibroblasts and prostate cancer cells, and it is important to identify the extracts’ phytochemical compounds responsible for this property.
- Acupuncture | Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Location: Dubai, UAE

Edith Guba heads the Dao Yuan School for Qigong, which she founded in Germany together with her teacher, the Chinese Qigong Master Guo Bingsen. The aim of the school was and is the dissemination of traditional Chinese Qigong methods at a level that can maintain their traditional quality.
In their close collaboration, Guo Bingsen and Edith Guba have also translated the Dao De Jing, a fundamental work of Chinese philosophy, into French and German.
Contrary to some western translations, the old Chinese philosophy understands "Qi" not only as "energy", but as "energy matter" in a very modern sense. Traditional Chinese Qigong works with this "energy-matter" - a phenomenon that can pass from the energetic to the material and vice versa. According to this philosophy everything that exists is composed of different forms of "Qi".
According to this philosophy, we are born as human beings with an individual amount of biological energy, which we consume during our lives. Qigong uses the laws of nature (as they are understood in Chinese philosophy) to intervene in this natural process in order to achieve an increase in health, quality of life and even longevity. The goals of qigong range from healing (restitutio) even serious illnesses to the ability to transmit qi over short or long distances to help others, and from the goal of longevity to the cultivation of mind and life at a high.
- Arabic and Unani Medicine | Alternative Medicine & Treatment methods
Location: Dubai, UAE
Session Introduction
Sonny Borlagdan Dechavez
Texila American University, Pakistan
Title: Biofeedback: Efficacy of Biofeedback in the Treatment of Severe Pain
Biofeedback an established non pharmacological technique used for the treatment of pain management in different diseases and also in migraine and tension type headaches. Many studies shows that this technique is effective in reducing the severity of pain (headache and Migraine). It also minimize medicine dependence and medical utilization. Headache is a major health problem in the United States because of direct medical cost, increased health care dependency and loss of productivity.
Many studies shows that biofeedback therapy has good effect on severe pain and also shows a statically significant decrease in the severity. In another study the efficacy of biofeedback is discussed as reduction in pain in first 12 months of treatment. But it is much time consuming and costly method as compared to other relaxation techniques. The patient treated with this technique shows that 48% of them reported fewer pain after six months and 35% of people reported fewer pain with simple relaxation technique after 3 months.
Maria Veronica Ferrer
University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Title: the effect of Lavander aromatherapy to junior nursing student's Anxiety, Conccentration and depression
Background: Anxiety can negatively affect individual’s performance in school. This can further influence physical and mental health of students in terms of concentration and memory retention. Several studies have shown that lavender aromatherapy was effective in reducing anxiety, improving concentration and increasing memory retention.
Methods: Pre-post intervention with a quasi-experimental design was used. A total of 55 participants completed the pre - test as well as the post – test tools. A pre-test of each tool (S-TAI (form Y-1), Stroop Effect Assessment Tool and Return Demonstration Checklist) was obtained as a baseline data for the study. Subsequently, lavender aromatherapy was diffused 30 minutes per session in an enclosed room. After the intervention, anxiety, concentration and memory retention were measured through a post-test of each tool.
Results: Paired t-test revealed in the three tests were considered to be significant (p<0.000), justifying the effectiveness of the use of lavender aromatherapy in curtailing the anxiety as well as improving the concentration and increasing memory retention of junior nursing students.
Conclusion: The use of lavender aromatherapy could be used to decrease anxiety, improve concentration and increase memory retention. Thus, lavender aromatherapy may be a substitute to promote cost effective and non-pharmacologic intervention that will be advantageous for nursing students

Wet cupping is a form of bloodletting that involves first making superficial incisions on the skin, then applying the suction cups to suck out small amount of blood. It is the application performed to draw out stagnant, congested blood and Vital Force, as well as other stagnant or morbid humors.
Cupping therapy is an incredibly ancient and universal practice that spans both East and West. In the East, the Chinese have been practicing the art of cupping for at least three thousand years. Cupping is applied to the acupuncture points to relieve the stagnation of Qi and blood, both locally and in the organ(s) activated by the point.
In the West, cupping therapy had its birth in Egypt. The Ebers Papyrus, written around 1550 B.C.E., states that bleeding by wet cupping removes foreign matter from the body. The ancient Egyptians passed the art of cupping on to the ancient Greeks. Both Hippocrates and Galen were staunch advocates and users of cupping therapy. From the ancient Greeks and Romans, through the Alexandrians and Byzantines, cupping therapy was passed on to the Muslim Arabs and Persians. Cupping is now an important and popular therapeutic modality of Unani (Greek) Medicine.

Pulse Diagnosis is significantly more developed diagnostic form, a tool that Practitioners can use to assess the health of all the major organ and systems of the body. Pulse diagnosis is like the “MRI” of traditional medical systems. Before modern imaging techniques were available in the market, healthcare practitioners needed ways of evaluating what was happening inside the bodies of their patients. Although technology has developed significantly over time, pulse diagnosis remains a very helpful and reliable tool in assessment and diagnosis. It is recommended that every practitioner should learn how to diagnosis the problem through pulse. Its essential tool of any treatment and curing any problem.

He took training for various therapies from Prof. Park Jae. Woo (International Su jok Academy, Russia). he is experienced for more than 16 years in this field and have organized camps and lectures to contribute towards this therapy. He is also a member of ISA – International Su jok Academy. He gained specialization in Color and Number Therapy which is very beneficial for mankind and it also saves time. It does not have any side effects, has zero cost and the patient requires no medical knowledge to apply it
Colour Therapy is an effective healer as our mind, body and emotions are sensitive to colour. Colour does not have to be seen to affect us – every cell in the body is light sensitive and responds to the frequency of colour.
A treatment with colour therapy involves the uses of colour. The application and medium of colour can be given in many ways, but all work is to bring the body (subtle and physical) back into harmony, thereby restoring vitality and wellbeing at all levels. As a Therapy, way of life and universal language colour therapy has been used and taught in many forms throughout the ages. It is believed that this healing art dates back to pre- atlantean times. We know the ancient Greeks and Egyptians used coloured Temples as treatment centers. Colour has played its part successfully in all cultures./ The 7th century Arab physician Avicenna who wrote the book ‘The Cannon’ developed a colour chart detailing many uses, he made reference to the effects of what the primary colours can have on an individual, one being red stimulates the blood and blue cools it. In 1958the US President Robert Gerard proved that red light could raise blood pressure and blue light could lower it.
- Ayurveda | Holistic Medicine | Yoga Therapy
Location: Dubai, UAE
Session Introduction
Aparna VP
Ayurveda Sannidhanam Hospital, India
Title: Prakrti– A predictive biomarker in diabetic eye diseases

Diabetic retinopathy is a retinal micro-vascular dysfunction in diabetes and the major changes in retinal blood vessels like neo-vascularization, retinal vein or artery occlusion, exudates and micro-aneurysms and its complications like Tractional Retinal Detachment and Vitreous Hemorrhage can be understood by the concept of mentioned in Ayurveda. For diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic purposes, Ayurveda categorizes human population on the basis of relative similarities in the phenotypic characteristics in to 7 sub-populations and it reflects the genetic makeup of an individual formed as a result of the energy template (doshastithi) of zygote by the interaction of genetic and epigenetic factors in operation at the time of fertilization and is maintained throughout the span of life. The genomic sequence of a differentiated cell is thought to be identical in most cases to that of the zygote from which it is descended. Hence Prakruti can be understood as the energic template provided by the genomic sequence of the zygote maintained unchanged in the differentiated cells. The concept of personalized medicine of Ayurveda for DR based on better understanding of Prakruti and its ramifications, might cast new light on Diabetic Retinopathy.
A proforma prepared on the basis of Ayurveda was used to assess the Prakruti of 40 Diabetic Retinopathy patients. DR was diagnosed as per protocols of modern ophthalmological tools. Prakruti wise distribution shows that majority of the DR patients belongs to Pitta Kapha Prakruti (62.5%), whereas Vata Pitta Prakruti was 20% and Vata Kapha Prakruti 17.5 %. Tractional Retinal Detachment (TRD) and Vitreous Haemorrhage were seen only in Pitta Kapha Prakruti.This study reveals that, assessment of Prakruti in diabetic patients can be a predictive marker of the progression of DR. Additionally; it is proposed that treatment based on the Prakruti could delay the progression of DR.
Ali Firouzmand Shahgoli
Faratherapist, Iran
Title: Faratherapy as an unprecedented complementary and alternative medicine

Ali Firouzmand Shahgoli has completed his M.A, in TEFL at age of 25 years from Urmia University, Iran. He has been learning and teaching English since 2010. Currently, he is working as an accountant and English Translator. He has published paper in Elsevier journals, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and attended several national and international conferences and workshops.
Faradarmani (Fara-therapy), a recently introduced Iranian complementary and alternative medicine (founded by Mohammad Ali Taheri) is based on the theory of ‘Consciousness Bond’ or ‘Constituents having Consciousness in Common’. According to this theory, when a link is established between the "Interuniversal Consciousness" or "Cosmic Internet" (as the whole consciousness) and human (as the constituent consciousness), the consciousness bond will be formed; subsequently, the whole consciousness via the consciousness distribution management center of the human’s mind- is capable of correcting, repairing and curing the consciousness of constituents including the mind, psyche, and body, thus healing and recovery take place. Establishing such connection (a meaningful resemblance to a connection between human and cosmic internet in order to update the human softwares through the Creators website) brings about results that man is not capable of attaining singlehandedly and through his own abilities. As a qualitative method of treatment, Faradarmani recognizes the essence of man and takes action to improve the condition of the patient without any kind of intervention in the quantitative process of treatment (classic conventional medicine) or any hardware manipulation. This treatment method can be effective for treating all kinds of illnesses including congenital or genetic, dysfunctional organs, infectious diseases, mechanical dysfunctions, old age and exhaustion, mental, psychological, psycho-somatic and mento-somatic disorders [involves mind (mental) and body (soma)] and chronic or acute illnesses, since it is the "Divine Intelligence" who indeed carries out Faradarmani. Thus the Fara-therapist cannot consider any kind of disease as incurable or attribute anything (power of healing) to himself. As a matter of fact, Faradarmani embraces all human beings, everybody regardless of their race, nationality, religion and personal beliefs can accept its theoretical part and experience and make use of its practical aspect.
- Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy | Mind Body Medicine
Location: Dubai, UAE
- Chiropractic Technique | Energy Healing technique | Homeopathy
Location: Dubai, UAE
Session Introduction
Shalini Israni
Head, Manakrithi Homeopathic Clinic, India
Title: Rise of Diabetes & Role of Homeopathy

Dr has her expertise in evaluation and passion in improving the health and wellbeing of patients. She is practising Classical Homeopathy since 20 yrs. She treats patients with Care and compassion. Dr Shalini is regular column writer in Ahmedabad times (Times of India ) newspaper and has been Awarded as Best homeopathic clinic by Times health Icons in 2018 .Dr has expertise in classical analysis of case which gives faster results . As Doctor firmly Believes With Homeopathy , correcting Diet patterns lifestyle and combating stress can cure many Diseases.
Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine used by over 200 million people worldwide to treat both acute and chronic conditions. Homeopathy forms a holistic approach to health it aids the body’s abilities to heal itself by improving the immune system of the body,It is scientific ,natural and individualistic approach in the treatments and prescribing.
Latest reports of World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that, diabetes population will increase by 122% in 2025; in developing countries, the number of patients has increased from 84 million to 228 million people which shows a 170% increase .India currently represents 49 percent of the world’s diabetes burden, with an estimated 72 million cases in 2017, a figure expected to almost double to 134 million by 2025. This presents a serious public health challenge to a country facing a future of high population growth and a government attempting to provide free health insurance .
Genetics , Lifestyle ,Lack of exercise Unhealthy meal choices; Overweight/ Obesity :it is more likely that you’ll become insulin resistant and can also lead to many other health issues. Homeopathy Treats the Diabetes cases according to particular causation, lifestyle of patient ,if genetic inheritance .Individual case history is taken and symptomatically its tailor made treatment ,which is called as Constitutional Similimum. Every patient with diabetes receives different Homeopapthic Constitutional medicines which is able to control sugar levels in much better way after course of treatment. In house clinical study has shown patient who come directly to Homeopathy gives faster results in stablising blood sugar levels . Case-Patient aged 61 years came with Diabetes Type 2 diagnosed since 6 months, with lots of stress , Casuticum 200 (homeopathic medicines given) after 2 months his sugar levels were normal and patient was followed for 11mths and still his levels were normal and got cured of Diabetes .
Santhosh Kumar
Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, India
Title: Evidence based case presentation on skin diseases

Dr Santhosh Kumar. S.V has been practicing at Taha Medical Centre, Abu Dhabi since 16 years and now doing research in Homoeopathy at Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, under Dr M G R Medical University, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Has been treated different kind of skin diseases with confidence. I have been in this field for the last more that 25 years with rich academic experience and doing seminars regularly in UAE and India since 10 years. Has presented various papers in different parts of the world including India, UAE, Srilanka and Germany.
The incidence of skin diseases are increasing day by day especially in this part of the world due to various reasons including the environmental factors, stressful situations through which the people are going on and the dietetic factors. Conventional medicine can offer only temporary relief for the conditions and it seems to be flares up when ever they stop using that medicine. More over with the usage of conventional medicines there are various side effects to the patients.
Homoeopathic system of medicine proves to be very effective in treating these types of diseases as they consider the patient as a whole and select medicines depending up on the constitution of the patient so that it will permanently cure the patients from inside out. The purpose of this presentation to show the effectiveness of Homoeopathic medicines especially in the case of skin diseases with the help of evidences so that it will be highly useful to the scientific community. For this I am planning to show with the help of power point presentations at least three types of skin diseases (one of dermatitis, one of psoriasis and one of itchyosis vulgaris) with photos and videos before, during and after treatment so that one could able to see the effectiveness of our system of medicine with evidence.
- Workshop
Location: Dubai, UAE
Session Introduction
Sinchan Dhas
Founder & Director of Humanity Institute of Advanced Medical & Cultural Research, India
Title: Mechanism of Actions of Homeopathic Medicines

Dr. Sinchan Dhas is a Homoeopathic Physician and a Classical vocalist of the Indian Classical Tradition. He want to be an Oncologist and a researcher of cell signaling related to Carcinogenesis through either music or by medications. He has published his research works in various journals.
Science is such a subject; need to be devoid of any biasness and prejudice. Among the different braches of science, the most practical branch is ‘Health science’, which deals with the life directly by the means of health education, health care delivery and prevention of the pathological conditions. There are several different systems of medicine exists in the world, named Allopathy, Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani etc based on different principles. Among these systems, Homoeopathy is most controversial for the so-called scientific community, as it is little difficult to understand materialistically. As it is little bit of different from usual path, they generally consider it as ‘pseudoscience’ and ‘placebo effect.’ We are instituting this study from a neutral point of view, not tilted towards any medicinal system for explaining the most debatable question of the century ‘what is the mechanism of action of Homoeopathic medicines.’